Science Cafe
What is an Open Labs Science Café?
Open Labs hosts the Café, a series of outreach events, presentations and breakout sessions, featuring bite-sized talks on cutting-edge research. These short presentations are given by Open Labs Graduate Student Fellows and cover a wide variety of scientific fields (Biology, Physics, Sociology, Medicine, Neuroscience, Astronomy, etc.). Through the talks, we place the students in the shoes of a young professional scientist and and help them discover how research is done, and why we choose to devote our lives to it. During Café breakout groups, students interested in pursuing a topic further are led through a guided discussions.
Our first Science Café audience was a select group of motivated and academically promising high school students from S.C.H.O.L.A.R., a 3 year program sponsored by Yale’s Pathways to Science. Since then, we have held Science Cafe twice a year, getting to share science with many studunts.